10 Ways to Stay Sane During Quarantine

We’re all in this together! With more than a third of the global population staying inside to “flatten the curve” during the Corona Virus pandemic, it’s certainly a fine line between self care and losing sense of self. Although it’s ok to be in your feelings, we want to encourage you to try new things to break up your routine and make this difficult time just a little bit easier. Have children in the house? Almost all of the activities can be done alongside them (they’ll love it!) or solo for some much needed “me time”.

1. Explore your inner artist  

Coloring and painting is a great way to bring a smile to your  face and remind you of a more simple and happy time. A quick internet search will uncover all sorts of adult coloring books with funny themes and beautiful designs. Want to take up painting, but don’t want to invest in all of the supplies and materials? Give paint by numbers a try! Most kits will have everything you need to relax and paint, with zero expertise required.

2. Dance Party

This is one of our favorite ideas. Turn up the music, move, shake, have fun, and get silly. If you’re feeling a little more shy, just close your door, crank your favorite songs, and allow  yourself to let loose. The extra blood flow combined with some upbeat tunes will surely correct your mood, plus, it *kind of* counts as your cardio for the day!

3. Start a book club 

 A quick search around your home and you will probably end up in finding a book that you’ve been meaning to get to, but just haven’t had the time. Or, Kindle or E-books make a great quarantine friendly option. Get your friends in on it, and assign chapters with reading deadlines. Then, organize a virtual hangout where everyone can chat, ask questions, and ponder! Take turns coming up with discussion points, and vote on the next book.

4. Write letters 

 It’s probably safe to assume we’ve ALL had a little too much screen time, so lets take it back to the good ole snail mail days! Receiving a hand written letter will surely spur a shot of dopamine to whoever is opening it. PLUS it will serve as a future reminder of a dark time we were all able to overcome together with kindness. Add a fun twist by using lively stationary and vibrant pens or markers. Tuck in an old photo or a memento for an extra special touch.

5. Nature Youtube Videos 

There are plenty of beautiful scenery videos with accompanying lovely sounds to stream for as long as a few hours in the background of your home, whether its on your computer or TV. You might not notice right away, but bringing a little bit of the outdoors in, even artificially is a great way to break up the mundane. Whether its an ocean scene, mountain waterfall, or forest sounds with birds and wind.

6. Legos

That’s right! Legos aren’t just for kids! There’s only so many puzzles you can do, so why not throw something new into the mix? Legos are easy to come by online, and you might even be able to track some down in your local second hand shop (just remember to disinfect them!) If you have children at home, then you can kindly ask them to borrow their sets for your own enjoyment, or ask them to join in on the fun. Take it a step further with a virtual lego building contest with your friends, or a friendly in-home competition with your spouse, family or children.

7. Laugh

 We’ve all likely had a few moments during the pandemic where we’ve felt like crying, but how about laughing? Working from home? Put on your favorite comedian’s podcast or set on in the background.  OR put aside 30 mins each day to do nothing but laugh: curl up in a comfy spot with a warm drink, a blanket, and a hysterical comedy. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much your mood and overall wellness improves afterward. Laughter really is the best medicine!

8. Donate

A lot of us are wondering what we can do to help others and are looking for a way to give back to our community and help others, we understand financially speaking, for many of us, this is an uncertain time. Right now many shelters and community centers are in need of clothing, towels, canned goods, and simple household items. What better time to do some Spring organizing and donate what you can to those in need?!

9. Rearrange the furniture 

Not only is this a fun way to break free of that “same old, same old” feeling you might be experiencing, but it’s a perfect chance to get the whole family involved by helping to move and rearrange furniture. Not only will you give your living space a new look and feel, but you’ll get some exercise too. Also, this is an excellent opportunity to dust, sweep, and mop some areas of your home that have most likely been neglected. After your hard work, you can reward yourself with….

10. A bubble bath 

When was the last time you took a bubble bath? Not just a bath, but a true BUBBLE bath. Re-ignite those childhood memories, and go ahead and give a very liberal pour of your favorite soap or body wash into your tub until you have white fully mountains of bubbles, then light a candle, hop on in, and relax! 


Go outside. Close your eyes, and count to ten. Now, think of 5 things you can hear, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can smell. Now open your eyes and find 1 thing that makes you smile. Soak up the sun, and head back inside.
